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Fruitful Living with Michel Le Gribble-Dates                                                                         Better health = Bigger Impact.

Which of your regular behaviors are keeping you from



How is what you do today going to impact your

sleep tonight and your energy tomorrow?


Michel will guide you to feel more deeply at home, at ease, and aligned in your body and in your whole life.



Are you enriched, watered, and reaping bountifully?    


Or are you stressed, overwhelmed, and on the road to burnout?  


My experience with parents and grad-students and community leaders whose calendars are cluttered with serving others…people like you…people like (the once-upon-a-time) me…is that you’ve got a sense of how to care for yourself.  But you’re overwhelmed with all the trends and there’s just so much life happening around you. 

So. much. need. 

Your child’s class needs a field trip chaperoned. 

Your church needs a Sunday School class taught. 

Your local charity needs a fundraiser planned. 


So…you cut your jog short, skip your meditation practice, and pick up an already made rotisserie chicken.  You cancel on your book club, pour a second glass of wine, and stay up a little later to get everything done.  And it’s fine because “it’s the busiest time of year” and once you get through __________ (back-to-school, the Holidays, summer vacation, pick your season) life will be back to normal and you’ll get back into your routine.


In the meantime you…

  • feel groggy in the morning

  • rely on caffeine to get through the day 

  • are impatient with your children

  • crave unhealthy foods 

  • can’t naturally sleep through the night

  • feel achy in your joints 

  • experience poor digestion

  • have no time to do what brings you joy

  • don’t even know what would bring YOU joy if you had the time

  • …and the list goes on.


Let’s be real…life keeps happening and your routine has never really been good enough to support you living into your full potential for fruitfulness anyway.  


All of that and still you have the best intentions.  Your desire is simply to serve the Divine and serve your neighbor…to provide a happy, healthy home environment for your family…to enjoy life and make a positive impact in the world.


The fact is your daily rituals with your body are affecting your ability to lean in and

live your purpose.   


Michel can help you change that once and for all. 


Create a clear image of yourself fully alive.


How could you feel in one year? 





"Fruitful Living has unleashed an understanding of myself which in turn creates a healthier, happier, more complete me.  Having the knowledge and the capability to correct myself is a huge step forward to living the life I have imagined for myself." 

- Christine

"I was coming off one of the hardest points of the last three years.  I had very low energy.  I was driven to do what I was supposed to do and I didn't have a lot of joy.  Fruitful Living helped me get my joy back.  I have much better energy and am more relaxed." 

- Kitty

It’s time to go beyond knowing what you need to do and do it.


It’s time to grow into Fruitful Living. 


When I first journeyed through 10 weeks of improving my own daily rituals I had no idea how fast, deep, or sustainable the transformation would be.  I was blown away.  I’ve continued to refine the rituals in the way that is right for me and the results just keeps compounding! 


Now it’s your turn.  


I know how to guide you to living into your potential for radiant health.  I can get you there quickly and enjoyably.  And I can help you authenticate and automate your expanded daily rituals so that you are always growing into the next better version of who you Truly are.  



Better Energy. Deeper Nourishment.

True Rest. Easeful Living.








Michel will guide you step by step to THRIVE in your daily life, have more time for what and who you love, rebuild your immune system, and awaken your potential!!!

You'll get to connect with Michel and her live, online course community in dynamic weekly gatherings, a private forum, and even 1:1 phone conversations!



You want to live a life of love in it. 


  • You want to sleep peacefully through the night.  

  • You want to rise and shine, feeling rejuvenated and ready for a day of working with God. 

  • You want to feel sustained energy throughout the day.  

  • You want to nourish yourself with an easy, tasty, healthy diet. 

  • You want to experience joy in movement. 

  • You want to respond and not react. 

  • You want to enjoy time with your family and friends. 

  • You want to be physically light, emotionally grounded, mentally clear, and spiritually connected.  

                                                              You can.  And this is how…



























There is nothing new under the sun.  The rituals we work with have been refined by our ancestors over thousands of years.  The media likes to claim ancient wisdom as modern day discovery, scientific breakthroughs.  The reality is the way to fruitful living is the way your grandmother lived and her grandmother before her and her grandmother before her.  


It’s not the secrets.  It’s the structure, the scaffolding, the support that will lead you to transformation.  It’s the deliberate stacking of the 10 rituals each season for one year.  It’s the step-by-step journey that will lead to unremarkable results and through automation will continue to support you long after the year is over.  

1 - Earlier, Lighter Dinner
2 - Early to Bed
3 - Start the Day Right
4 - Breath, Body Practices
5 - Plant-Based Diet 
6 - Self-Massage
7 - Sit in Silence
8 - Healthier Eating Guidelines
9 - Save Your Senses
10 - Easeful Living 

"It is amazing to find that making small changes consistently can make such a huge impact! The support from Michel and the Fruitful Living community (family) was so beneficial!" 

- Kim

"I have seen success in taking small steps and making different choices and that motivates me to continue making changes. Even a few minutes of daily meditation has changed my thought patterns. I didn’t realize until this course how important community is in making lifestyle changes. This course has helped me feel powerful again." 

- Julie

"I had a lot of transition this Fall.  Being a part of this group was really well timed because I had the tools to navigate the stress that comes with transition for me.  I feel more relaxed and well-rested."  

- Emily 

"I have a better outlook about so many things.  When we started Fruitful Living I was about to go back to an exercise class that I had done a year ago and I was really dreading it.  Now, I am doing it because I enjoy it!  I have a better relationship with food now.  I'm not grazing and I'm not craving and the scale is moving.  I'm also getting a lot more done during the day." 

- Sheila 

If you’re like me at this point you would like to know what you’re actually going to get with this experience…so here it is: 

  • Webinars for each of the 10 rituals that are guaranteed to empower you 

  • 10 weekly live, community coaching calls lead by Michel

  • Three 1:1 Laser Coaching calls of 30-minutes each with Michel or a FL Assistant, scheduled monthly 

  • An ebook to download and use each week as we journey through the 10 rituals

  • Recipes, Tip sheets, Tracking sheets to help you evolve your rituals with ease 

  • Community Support in our Private Facebook group to help you stay on track, ask questions, and authentically share your wins, challenges, wonderings, and insights  

  • An accountability companion for the journey. This program is application-only, so you’ll be in really good company!



2310 Clemson Road

Jacksonville, FL 32217

Tel: 315-341-4235


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