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Everything you need to combine the ancient art of oral storytelling with the 
the healing practice of yoga to engage kids in body-centered life education, wellness & FUN!

Parents, teachers, mentors, and church educators world-wide
love using Story and Stretch to help children connect
with their inner world of creativity, while acquiring
listening & literary skills, body-awareness and character development.
For those in Christian settings, Story and Stretch provides a framework in which to explore scriptural truths through body movement -
offering children of all ages the opportunity to experience their bodies
as sacred places to dialogue with God.  



Story & Stretch is our resource to gather the children and tell the Bible lesson each day of VBS. It is also our resource for Sunday morning faith formation and intergenerational gatherings!

-Charlotte Allbright, Director of Christian Formation and Education


Our children today are bombarded with noise and stimulation.  Story and Stretch equips them with strategies to find an inner quiet, to combat the chaos of the world, and to be embraced by the truth of God’s love for them.

- Elizabeth Snelbaker, Director of Christian Education

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Story and Stretch is a very modern approach to teaching classic Bible stories incorporating movement and mindfulness to children. Myself and the participating children at the church enjoyed it immensely.

- Meredith, Parent

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I liked learning a lot of new yoga poses.

It was fun.

- Camden, 2nd grader



At the end of meditating, I feel like I have a fresh start.

- Jayden, 1st grader



I feel happy when I go to yoga!

- Emma, PreK 

where we've TRAVELED TO

(a short list...)


Decatur First United Methodist Church, Decatur, GA

Eka Center, Auburn, NY


First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury, NC


Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church, Jax, FL


Lake Placid Center for The Arts, Lake Placid, NY


St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC


North Decatur Presbyterian Church, Decatur, GA


Ortega United Methodist Preschool, Jax, FL


Palms Presbyterian Church, Jax Beach, FL


Reach Academy, Jax, FL


South Jacksonville Presbyterian Church, Jax, FL


The Bookstore Plus, Lake Placid, NY


The Inns of Aurora, Aurora, NY


Westchester Elementary School, Decatur, GA


4 years at Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Annual Event, Denver, CO; Louisville, KY; Galveston, TX, Little Rock, AR







2310 Clemson Road

Jacksonville, FL 32217

Tel: 315-341-4235


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